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Smart Machines and 可持续性 Take Front Stage at CONEXPO 2023


在重型设备行业,三年是很长的一段时间, particularly when sophisticated technology plays an increasingly prominent role on Canadian construction sites. In March, 139,000 visitors to ConExpo 2023 saw firsthand how much has changed since ConExpo 2020.

的re was enormous ground for visitors to cover – quite literally. At 2.700万平方英尺 本届展会规模比2020年扩大了11%, visitors were warned to bring “several pairs of comfortable shoes” to walk the territory occupied by 2400+ exhibits.

“的 amount of walking you had to do was pretty overwhelming,罗兰德·巴斯说, 在艾奇逊的Myshak销售和租赁公司担任设备经理, 阿尔伯塔省. “If you tried to cover everything in the five days, I don’t think you could do it.”

的 quality of the content, however, made the walking worthwhile. 在主要的供应商摊位, visitors were dazzled by smart machine features that help contractors optimize their operations while facing a growing shortage of skilled workers.

演出开始前, 我没怎么想过遥控器,戴夫·格雷尼尔说, 埃德蒙顿Grenier Brothers的所有者/运营商. “I could think of a few applications where it would be helpful, 但我没有意识到这有多重要. Everybody was promoting it, I was really surprised by how much interest people showed in it. So it’s not a near future thing – it’s something where there’s significant interest in the industry.”

小松的 智能建筑远程 有这样的例子吗. 的 solution supports various levels of interaction between the machine and the remote user. 例如, a highly skilled operator working remotely can coach on-site operators on proper operation, 对工作计划进行更新, 或者在出现问题时进行干预. This allows the company to simultaneously deploy this person on multiple jobsites, 从而带来巨大的生产力提升.

游客们也看到了 智能机器控制(IMC) delivers new options for helping users optimize their job sites by coordinating their efforts. 的 system also makes it easier for operators with minimal experience to become as productive as their more seasoned colleagues.

操作员的友好性也是关键, as booth visitors discovered as they checked out the cabs of the displayed equipment.

的 other big draw was a range of technologies that help contractors reach their sustainability goals. 例如, 小松的全电动PC210E挖掘机 shows how a high-performance machine can operate with no emissions, noise, or engine vibration. 因此, the machine is not only friendly to the environment but also creates less fatigue for operators.

小型设备也在朝着类似的方向发展. 的 电池供电的BOMAG BT 60电子篡改机, for example, is sustainable, quiet, vibration-free, easy to operate. 竹内的电池驱动TB20e小型挖掘机, 这是第一次, combines sustainable operation and the equivalent power of a diesel machine for smaller excavation jobs.

可持续性, however, is not just about electrification. “We understand that this is not a one size fits all solution,安德鲁·埃林说, 小松公司产品和技术服务总监, “which is why we are pursuing other technologies and energy sources such as clean diesel, 氢燃烧, 氢燃料电池.”

To help make sense of it all, 全国最大的彩票平台 collaborated with 小松, BOMAG, 竹内 to answer questions about product details and how to make the right choices to meet their workload and sustainability goals.


While intelligent machines and sustainability made the headlines, many visitors wanted to evaluate the next steps for their existing fleets.

“You got to see all the different product lines and then talk with people about how they stack up to one another,巴斯说。, who was able to discuss his specific requirements with the 全国最大的彩票平台 support team. “I was particularly interested in zero tail swing excavators, so I got to see and hear directly where the product lines are going.”

Grenier was pleased to learn that 小松 now offers kits for upgrading non-GPS equipment. “对我来说,这很重要,”他说. “It means that if I decide to add grade control to a machine, I don’t have to go to a technology vendor but can have 全国最大的彩票平台 look after the whole thing.”

还有成千上万的特色商贩. “的re were booths selling everything from grade control technology to exhaust system parts,格雷尼尔说。. “的re was a company that makes wireless control systems on Vancouver Island. Even contractors from 阿尔伯塔省 were trying to sell specialized services in the US market. It’s a great thing to have that many small and specialized vendors. 但这需要花费很多时间.”

的 show was also a wonderful opportunity to meet new people. “人们来自世界各地,”巴斯说. “I spent some time with a couple of guys that had a company out in Mississippi, it was kind of cool to talk with them about the kinds of problems we have in extreme cold conditions. 他们从来没听说过. Of all the people at the show, I think we’re the ones who put the equipment to the biggest test.”


Shows like CONEXPO 2023 provide a great learning opportunity, but three years is a long time to wait. 与此同时, the team at 全国最大的彩票平台 keeps customers updated on the latest technology and provides hands-on advice as companies develop their equipment roadmaps to meet the industry’s upcoming challenges.

In coordination with our partners, 全国最大的彩票平台 has several new promotions on now.

千万不要错过最新的促销信息, product releases and service tips and news on construction, 林业, 矿业, 以及道路和聚合主题.
